Final Logo Project

When finishing up this project I had one thing in mind, and that’s growth. I wanted to make a logo that was both simple yet complex if that makes any sense at all. GW4N stands for, “Gains Wait for No one” and it was a group that me and my friends made back in high school, it was first a joke really until I started taking lifting and fitness seriously. When I started taking lifting seriously, the way I looked at life changed completely. I grew both mentally and physically and I wanted this logo to represent that in total. The logo consists of using the pen tool to make most of the outlines and then using the curve pen tool to obviously make the curves and make things look better in total. It took awhile but I think it came out pretty nicely. There are some rough places like the fingers which were really hard to fix or to make look any better but I believe it looks pretty good for someone who has only been using illustrator for 3 weeks.

After Tuesday the feedback from out group members came in and for the most part their reaction to the logo was quite positive. With feedback saying, “I don’t have much to say about the logo” or “Your logo looks really good”. I had a few suggestions about the lettering and to not have the letters intersect with the lines of the arm. I tried to fix it but I just couldn’t seem to get it right so I just kept the original idea with the letters. I cleaned up some line work in the outlines of the arms as well. The differences are very subtle and you’d have to look pretty close to tell, but I think I’m starting to get really good with the pen tool. I didn’t quite understand it very much at first but now it seems pretty easy.

The logo above is the rough draft and you can tell the difference between the two. I added some color to the final to make it pop out more and you can see that I cleaned up the lines in the final project. Overall this project has been pretty fun and i’m glad I got to make a logo representing what my ideals are.

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