Reflection blog post

Throughout this semester I have had a’lot of fun. This class has been one of the more enjoyable classes I’ve had throughout the school years and im very happy to say that I took this class. I have learned alot, almost all the Adobe software you can think of, and although i’m not an expert with them, im still alot better then I was before.

For the most part I enjoyed most of the free creative assignments. These assignments allowed us to branch off and create what we wanted and to show our stories through that topic. I really enjoyed the logo and I really enjoyed making the video, those were both really fun.

The logo was pretty difficult to make, I remember I had a’lot of issues with the pen tool and I cant tell you how many times I almost quit this logo and made a completely different one. One that was more simple and less dynamic so it would be easier to make. In the end I finally got it though. One thing I could never get right was the letters. As you can see they kind of go through the inside lines and I tried fixing that but I just couldn’t get it to work, but in the end I am still very satisfied with what I created and my friends really liked it too!

As for ‘Gains TV’, this was by far my favorite assignment. Creating a story board and writing a script was really really fun. I had full freedom to make what I wanted and it shows through the light comedy. I’d like to think that i’m a pretty positive guy and I like to make people smile. I went through all of my other assignments pretty serious on the notion of getting mad gains and being serious about it, but I wanted people to see that getting mad gains doesn’t have to be so serious.

I have just switched my majors from Psychology to Kinesiology and am looking to go into the physical therapy field. There are so many athletic trainers and physical therapists on youtube that make a ton of videos about working out and i’m sure that would be a lot of fun for me to do. I mean I already got a logo and I got pretty good with Premiere, I mean who knows? The possibilities are endless.

When I wanted to learn something that the tutorials didn’t show, I would usually look it up on youtube. There are so many people on their that give you such an in depth look at what you can do with all these programs and looking at those tutorials wouldn’t be a bad Idea if anyone is ever looking to get really into this type of stuff. For other stuff like non copy righted music, I would just use websites that have non copyrighted things. That’s what I did and it worked out great. Same goes for images as well!

Overall this class was so much fun and i’m sad to see it go. I want to thank my T.A. Leti for being such a great T.A. and helping me so much throughout the semester. She was always so nice and helped me out whenever I needed it. For future students that will take this class, I know they will have a’lot of fun!

Final Video Project

When making this video I had one thing in mind and that was showing that making all kinds of gains isn’t as serious as its thought out to be. People think that once you start this weightlifting journey that its a priority and you have to stay strict with it, but I feel like if you aren’t having fun with it, then whats the point right? I made some changes from the draft, mainly just taking out some much needed parts which I felt were unnecessary. Like a’lot of the laughter and the parts where I was looking at my lines. I also added a pretty cool intro and outro to add more of that TV kind of affect.

Most of the comments I received on the video were pretty good, mainly just talking about how the video size wasn’t that great but I fixed it to the best of my ability for the most part. Other comments were suggesting I add a intro or outro and I took that to heart and I think it really benefited the video. One Idea I had for the final was to make a completely different video in which I make like a gym montage but I felt as though that didn’t fit my personality as much. I take consistency pretty seriously but I dont have any videos of me when I first started so my idea wouldn’t have worked unfortunately.

Although my second idea didn’t come into manifestation, I am still quite happy with the final outcome. I had a lot of fun making this video and I hope to get a laugh out of the people watching. This class has been a blast and I’m sad to see it go by so fast. It feels like time just keeps going faster and faster and I wish it didn’t. This video I hope encapsulates the fun I had in the course and with the topic I chose, and I will upload a blooper video soon!

Draft premiere video

In this video I wanted to show what it was like working out. I wanted to show the light heartedness of it all. Obviously this was a skit and I had alot of fun making it. It didnt quite completely make a complete connection with but it was something that I had alot of fun doing. I know Im going to make a new video back at home in the gym im used to make a video even better than this, showing what it is really like to work out and make progress. I have come a long way and wanted to make something fun so this is what I did. I think it is pretty funny and it shows the light humor of what working out can be like.

Raw Video Footage and Storyboard

Sample Storyboard: Gain Train

Visual Elements Audio Elements
0:00-0:30  Slowly past by interviewees then have them talk about the man Ominous music playing while it slowly passes him then volume dims down when he is talking
0:35-1:05  slowly past second interviewee then he talks about the man Ominous music playing while it slowly passes him then volume dims down a little bit as he talks
1:05-1:20 Have the camera be dark for a moment then as I say my last line the camera hits me Intense music starts fading in as I start talking then after my last line the bass drops to me in the gym
1:25-1:35 have me walk into the gym and start to warm up Inspirational hype music playing as I warm up
1:40-2:00 Show me working out in the gym, lifting weights Have me talking inspirationally on how I became the way I am today with inspirational music in the background

Draft audio story

It was in this audio story that I wanted to show what it is like to make all kinds of gains and to show that if you put in the effort that it will truly pay off. I started working out December of last year and its hard to believe that it has almost been a whole year, time really flies. In this audio story I start off with a kind of cheesy intro but I want that to show the fun in which I had while making so much gains and to show that I enjoyed doing what I did. I never though of going to the gym as a priority but only to better myself for my body and mind. I wanted this audio story to show that even on the worst days that you have to keep on pushing to get through and to keep on moving forward when it seems tough. I had alot of ups and downs during these times but I stuck with it because I knew that the progress I make will help me in the long run.

I wanted to show everyone that anything is possible and that if you put in the work that you can do whatever you want in life, It all just takes time and effort. I felt as though this story truly encapsulated what its like to weight lift and what you can do to change yourself if need be. I wanted this to be an inspirational type of speech and I hope for those who see it, that it is! I tried my best to have that sense of authenticity to my speech and I think it worked for the most part!

Final Draft Project

When making this audio file, I wanted to encapsulate what it was like on my journey to making all kinds of gains. I wanted to show the emotion through the music I used which was from Epidemic sounds. I think the intro to the audio file is very good and humorous and I wanted that to show. Lifting for me has never been something that I felt as a priority but it was always something that made me feel good and happy. It showed my progress and showed who I was becoming as a person. Without that I dont know what i’d be doing today and I mention that in the audio file.

My draft file was alot more bland because I didnt know how to quite express how I felt but after listening to it over and over again I had realized that it needed more life to it. It needed a spark to show the flame that is inside of me and to show that I have overcome my lows and only strive for highs now. It has become so much better for me now because I feel so much more relaxed in that type of environment and I will continue to be on this journey until I have met my goals.

Once I meet my goals, I know I wont be satisfied and I will continue to carry on with what I have started and what I promise to continue to do. Without weight lifting I dont know where I’d be right now but I promise you I wouldnt be here. I was so depressed last year and had no clue where I was going but now I have path and clear growth mindset to show where I am and where I am going.

Final Logo Project

When finishing up this project I had one thing in mind, and that’s growth. I wanted to make a logo that was both simple yet complex if that makes any sense at all. GW4N stands for, “Gains Wait for No one” and it was a group that me and my friends made back in high school, it was first a joke really until I started taking lifting and fitness seriously. When I started taking lifting seriously, the way I looked at life changed completely. I grew both mentally and physically and I wanted this logo to represent that in total. The logo consists of using the pen tool to make most of the outlines and then using the curve pen tool to obviously make the curves and make things look better in total. It took awhile but I think it came out pretty nicely. There are some rough places like the fingers which were really hard to fix or to make look any better but I believe it looks pretty good for someone who has only been using illustrator for 3 weeks.

After Tuesday the feedback from out group members came in and for the most part their reaction to the logo was quite positive. With feedback saying, “I don’t have much to say about the logo” or “Your logo looks really good”. I had a few suggestions about the lettering and to not have the letters intersect with the lines of the arm. I tried to fix it but I just couldn’t seem to get it right so I just kept the original idea with the letters. I cleaned up some line work in the outlines of the arms as well. The differences are very subtle and you’d have to look pretty close to tell, but I think I’m starting to get really good with the pen tool. I didn’t quite understand it very much at first but now it seems pretty easy.

The logo above is the rough draft and you can tell the difference between the two. I added some color to the final to make it pop out more and you can see that I cleaned up the lines in the final project. Overall this project has been pretty fun and i’m glad I got to make a logo representing what my ideals are.

Draft Logo Project

During the process of making this logo I had come into a’lot of trouble making the custom shapes. The pen tool is a very hard tool to work but I eventually got it to get the basic shape of my original sketch. My ideas for this project was to have a clear image of what this journey has been all about. It shows strength but inside it shows something more.

GW4N, being my group me and my friends made back in the day and it shows strength and integrity. I researched some swole arms before making the sketch and I found a couple I liked so I combined the ideas I found and made it my own. I needed to have the name of the group inside of the arm for the purpose of showing what growth really looks like.

All the tools I used to create my logo was the curved pen tool, the pen tool, and the type tool. I wanted to make the letters in a different way but I was having alot of trouble doing that so I just used the type tool. I plan on working on what I actually want to do for the final project. Luckily this is just a draft so I have time to rework some things and make it even better!

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